Probably not, I'm thinking. That's why I'm going to do a little experiment. I'm going to post one of my final exam questions below and if anyone is reading this, they will have a head start on Friday's test.
6. Richie Cheney, once a government worker, has joined a local group of sportsman who plan trips to exotic places for bird hunting. He wants to be the team’s leader. He makes a variety of behavioral choices the hurt his chances for leadership. Which are the behaviors that created problems?
a. He gets really upset with another member and says, “&*#!@ you, you stupid %#$@(*& %^$)(@#!”
b. He gets involved with every group discussion.
c. When a meeting was called for 5 a.m. on a Monday morning he was there right on time, like he is for every meeting.
d. The current leader says, “Hey, Richie, I’m concerned that we’re making decisions too fast,” and Richie responds to his comment with, “As I was saying, I think Peru has some great bird hunting. We could get a condor.”
e. When Beverly interrupted him he got quiet and let her talk. He usually lets other people have plenty of time to talk.
(Dr. Evil image is borrowed from the blog Soxfirst.com)
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Yeah, we're reading.
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