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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Love Students, Hate Textbooks

I love teaching speech communication!

That's what I think at the beginning of every quarter. I'm also nervous at the beginning of every quarter. Is it ironic that a speech teacher has communication apprehension? Not so much if you think about the old adage that "we teach what we need to learn." I'm also a bit anxious about teaching a class I haven't taught for over two years -- small group communication. I love the class but the material is not quite as clear cut as public speaking. And unfortunately, in the two years I've been teaching public speaking the cost of the small groups textbook I love shot skyward.

$105 for a text used for just one quarter? What's with that? Crazy! The book is very well written, well researched, filled with humor. It's an excellent text. But it doesn't need all the color pictures! It doesn't need all the ancillaries! I am really irritated. I emailed the writer last week and may post some of our email conversation later.

Anyway, back to what I love. My students! It's always fun to start with new people. I look at them and wonder, who's going to get this material? Who's going to drop? Who's life is going to be changed?

On Monday they were friendly and thoughtful as they worked on their first assignment. I have people do some instant teamwork with questions about me. This helps them get to know me and also helps them start thinking about what makes for effective team communication. This time I put in a new observation step. I divided the class in two and had some observe as others discussed. It made some folks uncomfortable (fishbowl experience) but I think it also jump started a self-awareness they will require as they learn to pay attention to their own behaviors.

Another reason I love my students is that they sometimes bring their own wonderful skills into my classes so that I can benefit. I'm thinking now about the beanie made by Scottie Hoffman, a student from last quarter. Don't worry, it wasn't a gift! I purchased it based on his persuasive speech. For two straight weeks in December after the giant snowfall I wore it every day! It's warm, it covers my ears, and the colors are lovely. Well, I bought the yarn, so thank you to Huck! for the color. And thank you to Scottie for the winter warmth. He told me he was off to the Tahoe area over the holidays to sell his beanies. I hope he had good business.

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