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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Self Disclosure in Spring

In my interpersonal class this week we talked about nonverbal and verbal communication. On Thursday I began with a self diclosure (perhaps inappropriate) then went on to talk about self disclosure -- risks and benefits. I told them about how just that day I'd been puttering around in my office and sent some materials to print in the admin assistant's office next door. When I opened the door through there was one of our drawing faculty standing with a great looking guy -- wavy red hair, strong handsome face, slender form, super piratical smile. And I was completely caught offguard. So when she introduced me I said, "You have great hair!" DUMB! Then, I compounded my unfortunate unprofessional communication error by saying, "Wow. If I'd said that to one of these guys (by then our photo-prof was in the office) I could have been accused of harrasment." Time to return to my office.

So, I told that story to my class, explaining that I sometimes get very stupid around attractive people. Especially in spring. Twitterpated is what I get. (Now there's a good word.)

Inappropriate self disclosure? Perhaps. Certainly something I've been known to suffer from in the past. But at least one student said, "I think that's cute."

Oh well. Fifty four years old and still sometimes I ain't got the sense God gave a goose.

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