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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Watching the VP Debate

Gwen Ifill of Washington Week is a terrific moderator -- calm, intelligent, and not pompous like some.

Watching the debate --

I am already being driven CRAZY! First question goes utterly unanswered by Joe Biden who runs off into an attack on Bush and a standard issue blah blah blah about Obama. Then Sarah natters on about John McCain. Neither answer the moderator's question about "Was this the best or worst of Washington."

So far, they both sound like people prepped to spout their stump drivel.

Yes...the moderator noticed and SAID that neither of them answered the question "What would you do as vice president."

Ah. The republican is calling for "strict oversight" of Wall Street. Hmmmm.

But they do both look good in their black suits.

They are both using the standard advertising technique of repeating the name of the front of the ticket...though for some reason Biden is repeating John McCain's name a lot.

Ah. Biden smiles at Sarah's claim about voting for biggest tax bump. Big Joe smile. Then he seems to remember that he's not supposed to smile.

The point about McCain supporting deregulation that is made by Joe is a good one.

Moderator says, "Why is this not class warfare?" taxing over $250 thousand. Joe says it's fairness. The wealthy should pay more.

The naming of things. I do like Joe Biden's discussion of the label given to taxing corporations more: he says fairness, Sarah says "redistribution of wealth."

Biden cheap shot -- "Ultimate bridge to nowhere" put an annoying twist on a thoughtful attack on McCain's $5000 for healthcare idea.

What did Sarah do with the oil companies? This is something I'd want to more about. Ah...Joe says the she supported a windfall profits tax on the oil he's saying he hopes she can get McCain to support her way of doing things.

OK....once again, she's not responding to the question about McCain's position on she's going off into energy. She's arguing energy independence.

Sarah keeps has reversed causal relationships twice. Main street and wall street switch and a man/climate switch. It's just a speaking thing but still...a bit unusual for a public speaker her age and her level.

Joe loves the data about McCain voting 20 times against funding alternative forms of energy.

She says she is tolerant. Hmmm. Palin is saying she agrees that there should be no civil rights distinction for gay couples. Though she hedges a bit. And neither Biden nor Palin believes in gay marriage.

"Your plan was a white flag of surrender." Big attack by Palin. She emphasizes that we must win. Victory within sight. Now Biden is saying that he gave the warning. John McCain "has been dead wrong on the fundamental issues."

Palin sounding much more intelligent than expected after her bad Katie Couric interview. Hmmm. Palin calls for a two-state system. Biden doesn't support a two-state issue.

Sarah is being very good about showing respect to Joe.

They are wacking each other pretty well. I think Joe is winning in the use of data and facts and Sarah is winning in the presentation of self as ordinary American tough in the face of Washington chicanery and a nasty world..

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