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Friday, April 18, 2008

Making Mistakes

I made some mistakes in my morning public speaking class. The biggest one was made as I was assessing an assignment early this morning. For some reason I got going too fast and forgot the total count for the paperwork assignment. After grading the speeches (all 40 points) I just had it in my head that the top grade for the paperwork was 40 as well, instead of 25. Sigh. One student called this to my attention after class. Harm done by that time so instead of taking back the papers I just decided to give everyone who turned in the work an extra 15 points. In the great scheme of the class it won't make that much difference. Still, I hate it when I make stupid mistakes like that.

I think it's because I've had a cold and been hitting the antihistamines too hard. Either that or I'm just having the usual, "hit the wall, go through the wall, rebuild the wall, paint on the wall" spring quarter.

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