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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

LY #30 (Not so) Epic Hipness Fail

Every so often I try to be hip or cool by including contemporary references in my lectures or playing contemporary music.  Sometimes I'm successful in seeming "with-it."   Often, however, my play for grooviness is as au courant as slang slung by Monty Burns.

(By the way, the rest of this post has absolutely nothing to do with Ylvis and the song that's been running relentlessly through my brain since Saturday night.  You see, I sat down after a long day and clicked into Youtube on my Apple TV.  I looked at the top 10 hottest videos of the week and there was that song being sung live on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  Within the hour I'd watched five more Ylvis videos, their interview with Ellen, and part of their late night interview with Jan Egeland, hero in one of their stadium rock ballads.  Now I have to decide whether to dress as a fox or a black-tied back-up dancer for Halloween.)
By Gray-Day at Deviant Art
So on Saturday, my biggest lecture day in the Bootcamp, I was playing music on the computer during one of the breaks.  I decided to play a tune on Youtube that I'd heard a bit of on Itunes:  a dubstep tribute to Beethoven.  Unfortunately, the video had a "bad word" pop up.  I felt quite embarrassed.  Through the rest of the weekend I did what I usually do -- stick to Pandora mixes of disco, Bix Beiderbecke, and Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass.

And that's as it should be for someone who usually learns about the top tunes either when Weird Al parodies them or they are featured in a report on National Public Radio.  (Last fall I learned about that summer's giant hit from this NPR story.)

(By the way, you'll note in the picture by Gray-Day at Deviant Art that the fox is not using Morse co-o-o-o-o-ode.)