I try to just "copy" everything it's possible to copy from one class to another. But the settings sometimes have to be fixed in the particular sections they inhabit. And there are so many settings! Date to open a site, date to close a site, date that the work is due, how many points, etc etc etc.
And the goldern interface has changed every time I've gone on vacation! Sometimes the changes are helpful, sometimes they just seem annoying, at least until I get used to them. For example, changes last year in the discussion boards were a bit irritating at first. I can no longer click a button that allowed me to read every unread post in a forum. I now have to "collect" ever item in selected threads or click into each thread and then make sure to mark any unanswered posts as "read." It's just a few more steps and it does keep the grading more orderly, but it's not as efficient.
And sometimes, just changing the look of something is sort of disruptive to a change-averse old brain like mine own.
On the other hand, I get to do all this work in my pajamas with a cat on my lap and a very fluffy poodle-girl lying next to the chair.
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